This report explores the 2019 English Indices of Deprivation for the small areas (Lower-Layer Super Output Areas or LSOAs) within Hale Central. It compares these small areas relative to Trafford using the rank and score and highlights the indicators and data sources behind these measures.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019<br /> Hale Central  ward boundary and best-fit LSOAs

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019
Hale Central ward boundary and best-fit LSOAs

Key findings

  • Hale Central ranks 17th out of 21 wards in Trafford where 1 is the most deprived and 21 is the least deprived on the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.
  • All LSOAs within the ward are within the 10% least deprived nationally on the Education domain.
  • Despite 4 of the 7 LSOAs being in the 10th decile (10% least deprived nationally) on the Income domain, the other 3 LSOAs sit within the 6th to the 8th deciles (50% to 30% least deprived nationally).
  • The proportion of older people living in income deprived households is greater than for children in each of the LSOAs within the ward.


The English Indices of Deprivation (IoD) were published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government in September 2019. The Indices measure relative levels of deprivation in 32,844 Lower-layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in England. Each LSOA contains approximately 1,500 residents or 650 households. They are ranked from 1 (most deprived) to 32,844 (least deprived) and assigned to a decile ranging from 1 (most deprived 10%) to 10 (least deprived 10%). Local authorities in England are also ranked from 1 to 317 based on a population weighted average rank or score of the LSOA data.

Relative deprivation is measured using 39 indicators which are grouped across seven different domains:

  • Income - the proportion of the population experiencing deprivation relating to low income, including those people-out-of-work, and those who have low earnings
  • Employment - the proportion of the working age population in an area involuntarily excluded from the labour market
  • Education, Skills and Training - the lack of attainment and skills in the local population
  • Health and Disability - the risk of premature death and the impairment of quality of life through poor physical or mental health
  • Crime - the risk of personal and material victimisation at a local level
  • Barriers to Housing and Services - the physical and financial accessibility of housing and local services
  • Living Environment - the quality of the local environment

Each domain is combined and weighted to create the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), an overall measure of relative deprivation.

A further 2 supplementary indices of income deprivation are also provided:

  • Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) - the proportion of all children aged 0 to 15 living in income deprived families
  • Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI) - the proportion of all those aged 60 or over who experience income deprivation

Please note

  • The Indices of Deprivation measure relative deprivation so a change in rank between 2019 and 2015 releases does not necessarily indicate a change in absolute levels of deprivation.
  • The Indices of Deprivation cannot be used to quantify how deprived or affluent an area is, identify deprived people or to measure an absolute change in deprivation over time. However, it can be used to look at changes in relative deprivation between iterations of the data and to identify the most deprived small areas.
  • The 39 indicators are based on data from the most recent time point available. This means that there is not one consistent time point for all the data. Although published in 2019, the latest Indices of Deprivation data are based largely on administrative data from 2015 and 2016. Similarly the 2015 publication is mainly based on data from 2012. Therefore there may be recent developments which are not yet reflected in the information published.
  • The score for the Income and Employment domains as well as the two sub-domains for Income (IDACI AND IDAOPI) directly relates to the percentage of the relevant population experiencing that type of deprivation. See The English Indices of Deprivation 2019 Research Report for more information.

Further resources

  • Ward level summaries of the 2019 Indices of Deprivation for Trafford are available to view interactively in linked charts and maps here.
  • Relative deprivation in Trafford compared to other Local Authorities within Greater Manchester report.
  • A web application which interactively visualises the proportion of LSOAs in the most deprived decile and the spatial distribution of relative deprivation for every local authority district in England is available here.
  • A simple interactive visualisation which compares Trafford’s rank of average score against its CIPFA nearest neighbours is available here.

Relationship between LSOAs and electoral wards

Ward boundaries and LSOA boundaries do not always perfectly align and so it is impossible to aggregate from LSOA to ward exactly. Instead a ‘best-fit’ methodology is used by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to assign LSOAs to the most appropriate ward. This may mean that some parts of the LSOAs discussed within this report fall outside of the ward boundary and some areas within the boundary are not covered as they have been assigned to another ward. Using this method, the ward of Hale Central encompasses the following 7 LSOAs:

LSOA code LSOA name
E01006077 Trafford 027A
E01006083 Trafford 026A
E01006084 Trafford 026B
E01006088 Trafford 026C
E01006139 Trafford 026D
E01006140 Trafford 026E
E01006194 Trafford 024E

Interactive map

You can use the interactive map below to explore Hale Central ward and the areas covered by each of the LSOAs.

Index of Multiple Deprivation

As mentioned above, the 7 domains are combined and weighted to create the Index of Multiple Deprivation which is an overall measure of relative deprivation. The plot below shows where the 7 LSOAs within Hale Central lie relative to all the LSOAs in Trafford, and in which decile.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on IMD

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank
Trafford 027A 7 22,392
Trafford 024E 8 25,351
Trafford 026C 9 27,006
Trafford 026E 9 27,848
Trafford 026B 10 31,472
Trafford 026A 10 31,618
Trafford 026D 10 32,098


The definition of low income used includes both those people that are out-of-work, and those that are in work but who have low earnings (and who satisfy the respective means tests). A combined count of income deprived individuals is produced by summing the following non-overlapping indicators:

  • Adults and children in Income Support families
  • Adults and children in income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance families
  • Adults and children in income-based Employment and Support Allowance families
  • Adults and children in Pension Credit (Guarantee) families
  • Adults and children in Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit families not already counted
  • Adults and children in Universal Credit families where no adult is in ‘Working - requirements’ conditionality regime
  • Asylum seekers in England in receipt of subsistence support, accommodation support, or both
This domain has a weighting of 22.5% when combined with the others to form the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on Income

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank Score
Trafford 027A 6 18,639 8.5%
Trafford 024E 7 21,410 7.0%
Trafford 026E 8 25,645 5.2%
Trafford 026C 10 29,927 3.4%
Trafford 026D 10 31,229 2.8%
Trafford 026B 10 31,917 2.3%
Trafford 026A 10 32,660 1.4%

NOTE: the score indicates the percentage of the relevant population experiencing this type of deprivation.


This domain measures the proportion of working age population who are involuntarily excluded from the labour market, including those who would like to work but are unable to do so due to unemployment, sickness or disability, or caring responsibilities. This comprises the following non-overlapping indicators:

  • Claimants of Jobseeker’s Allowance (both contribution-based and income-based), women aged 18 to 59 and men aged 18 to 64
  • Claimants of Employment and Support Allowance, women aged 18 to 59 and men aged 18 to 64
  • Claimants of Incapacity Benefit, women aged 18 to 59 and men aged 18 to 64
  • Claimants of Severe Disablement Allowance, women aged 18 to 59 and men aged 18 to 64
  • Claimants of Carer’s Allowance, women aged 18 to 59 and men aged 18 to 64
  • Claimants of Universal Credit in the ‘Searching for work’ and ‘No work requirements’ conditionality groups
This domain has a weighting of 22.5% when combined with the others to form the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on Employment

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank Score
Trafford 027A 6 18,587 7.1%
Trafford 024E 8 23,255 5.5%
Trafford 026E 9 27,131 4.3%
Trafford 026C 10 30,083 3.2%
Trafford 026B 10 32,047 2.2%
Trafford 026D 10 32,287 1.9%
Trafford 026A 10 32,290 1.9%

NOTE: the score indicates the percentage of the relevant population experiencing this type of deprivation.

Education, Skills and Training

The indicators within this domain fall into two sub-domains: Children and Young People and Adult Skills. The Children and Young People sub-domain comprises:

  • Key Stage 2 attainment
  • Key Stage 4 attainment
  • Secondary school absence
  • Staying on in education post 16
  • Entry to higher education

The Adult Skills sub-domain is a non-overlapping count of the following two indicators:

  • The proportion of working age adults with no or low qualifications (women aged 25 to 59 and men aged 25 to 64)
  • The proportion of working adults who cannot speak English or cannot speak English well (women aged 25 to 59 and men aged 25 to 64)
This domain has a weighting of 13.5% when combined with the others to form the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on Education

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank
Trafford 024E 10 31,587
Trafford 027A 10 32,187
Trafford 026E 10 32,500
Trafford 026D 10 32,676
Trafford 026B 10 32,766
Trafford 026A 10 32,768
Trafford 026C 10 32,800

Health and Disability

Measuring the risk of premature death and the impairment of quality of life through poor physical or mental health through the following four indicators:

  • Years of potential life lost
  • Comparative illness and disability ratio
  • Acute morbidity
  • Mood and anxiety disorders
This domain has a weighting of 13.5% when combined with the others to form the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on Health

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank
Trafford 027A 6 18,435
Trafford 024E 8 24,552
Trafford 026E 8 24,717
Trafford 026C 8 25,006
Trafford 026A 9 29,327
Trafford 026B 10 29,987
Trafford 026D 10 31,309


This domain measures the rate of recorded crimes per 1,000 at risk population for:

  • Violence: number of recorded violent crimes (18 recorded crime types in 2016/17; 20 recorded crime types in 2017/18)
  • Burglary: number of recorded burglaries (4 recorded crime types)
  • Theft: number of recorded thefts (5 recorded crime types)
  • Criminal damage: number of recorded crimes (8 recorded crime types)
This domain has a weighting of 9.3% when combined with the others to form the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on Crime

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank
Trafford 024E 4 11,121
Trafford 026C 5 15,382
Trafford 027A 6 17,161
Trafford 026A 6 17,520
Trafford 026E 6 18,316
Trafford 026D 7 21,986
Trafford 026B 8 23,829

Barriers to Housing and Services

The indicators which comprise this domain are split into two sub-domains: Geographical Barriers and Wider Barriers. Geographical Barriers takes into account road distances to a:

  • Post Office
  • Primary School
  • General Store
  • Supermarket

Wider Barriers takes into account the following:

  • Household overcrowding
  • Homelessness
  • Housing affordability
This domain has a weighting of 9.3% when combined with the others to form the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on Barriers to Housing & Services

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank
Trafford 026E 5 16,304
Trafford 026B 5 16,364
Trafford 026A 7 20,518
Trafford 027A 8 23,535
Trafford 026C 9 27,658
Trafford 024E 9 27,937
Trafford 026D 9 29,376

Living Environment

This domain is also derived from two sub-domains: Indoors and Outdoors.
Indoors sub-domain:

  • Houses without central heating
  • Housing in poor condition: Social and private homes failing to meet the Decent Homes standard.

Outdoors sub-domain:

  • Air quality: A measure of air quality based on emissions rates for four pollutants
  • Road traffic accidents involving injury to pedestrians and cyclists: A measure of road traffic accidents involving injury to pedestrians and cyclists among the resident and workplace population
This domain has a weighting of 9.3% when combined with the others to form the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on Living Environment

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank
Trafford 026C 2 3,942
Trafford 027A 4 11,797
Trafford 024E 5 14,115
Trafford 026D 5 15,173
Trafford 026E 5 15,815
Trafford 026B 6 17,319
Trafford 026A 6 19,688

Income Deprivation Affecting Children

The proportion of children aged 0 to 15 living in income deprived households.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on IDACI

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank Score
Trafford 027A 8 24,093 6.9%
Trafford 024E 8 25,720 6.0%
Trafford 026E 9 28,571 4.3%
Trafford 026C 10 31,926 2.0%
Trafford 026D 10 32,382 1.4%
Trafford 026A 10 32,761 0.8%
Trafford 026B 10 32,805 0.6%

NOTE: the score indicates the percentage of the relevant population experiencing this type of deprivation.

Income Deprivation Affecting Older People

The proportion of people aged 60 and over living in income deprived households.

LSOAs in Hale Central relative to Trafford on IDAOPI

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

Source: 2019 Indices of Deprivation, MHCLG

LSOA Decile Rank Score
Trafford 024E 5 15,322 13.8%
Trafford 027A 5 15,581 13.5%
Trafford 026E 7 19,803 10.2%
Trafford 026C 7 22,272 8.6%
Trafford 026D 8 25,912 6.6%
Trafford 026B 9 27,596 5.8%
Trafford 026A 10 32,324 2.6%

NOTE: the score indicates the percentage of the relevant population experiencing this type of deprivation.